
Much Ado About Nothing (and not the euphemistic kind either)

There seems to be a pattern forming wherein the absurdity of the things I worry about hits me like a wave when they are juxtaposed to what goes on outside of my protected bubble.

So I parked at the mall today to use the subway. I parked pretty much right next to the entrance, despite the sign saying it was customer parking only, despite the other sign pleading transit users to park on the upper levels only. I've done it numerous times in the past so I didn't think anything of it. Until I left my car and some dude was eyeing me (no it was definitely not because I was ridiculously good-looking, though I'm pretty sure I was at the time). Some part of me thought for sure he was some person employed by the mall to catch transit users parking in customer only areas so as to enact punishment for those who would dare to violate the directions of the sacred signage. And, as you can well imagine given the preamble, I pretty much was freaking out inside about it all day (also, I'm aware that this is pretty overt paranoia but I assure you that I'm not typically this deranged).

Fast forward to the evening when I am driving home (in the car that was obviously not towed) when I'm listening to a Yemeni journalist who had won the Canadian Journalist Freedom Award last year. One of the questions revolved around the person's daughter who had taken, akin to her father, a keen interest in political   journalism. She was said to have frequented protests in the protester's square (I think people refer to it the "Change Square") and report on revolutionist women. The journalist said that though supportive conceptually, he, as a father obviously would, worried something would happen to her daughter, having bore witness to actions that were occasionally used against protesters.

And so, in retrospect, my parking violation, even if it somehow did end up with my car getting towed, just seems completely petty and inconsequential. There are just so many worse things than simple disruptions in my routine. I really should worry less about these potential disruptions. Maybe then the grey hairs that are beginning to accumulate on my head will cede some of their territory back to its once more luscious and full-bodied occupants.

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